Contact Us

There are a number of ways to get in contact with us.

By post

Queen Margaret University Drive


EH21 6UU


By phone

All calls should be made to +44 (0)131 474 0000. You will be asked to state a person's name or a department name. If you are unsure of whom you would like to speak to, you can also be put through to the switchboard.

Please note: since COVID, many of our staff are working from home some of the time and may not be contactable by phone. Please contact us by email if you can. 

Some commonly requested contact details


2. COURSE QUERIES - contact Admissions

3. FROM OUTSIDE THE UK - If you live outside the UK and wish to find out about studying at QMU/ becoming an agent contact the International Recruitment team.

4. PROMOTING VACANCIES TO STUDENTS (Placements, job opportunities) - contact Careers and Employability


6. MEDIA QUERY - contact the Press Office

Contact the Senior Leadership Team

Senior Leadership Team   Email
Principal and Vice-Chancellor Sir Paul Grice Cath McKenzie
Deputy Principal (Academic) Dr Richard Butt Ruth Horne
Director of Finance and Operations Malcolm Cutt Yvonne Gilchrist
University Secretary Irene Hynd Ruth Horne
Director of Campus Services Steve Scott Yvonne Gilchrist
Dean of School of Arts and Social Sciences & Business, Enterprise and Management Professor David Stevenson 

Professor David Stevenson

Susan Laing (Executive Assistant)

Dean of Health Sciences Professor Fiona Coutts

Rowena Pereira-Wilson


Contact academic staff

Key academic staff are listed by division on our About Our Staff section.

Contact a research and knowledge exchange centre

Research and knowledge exchange centre contacts can be found on the relevant research centre website.

Contact a professional services department

Professional services teams Email
Accommodation Accommodation

LRC (library & IT enquiries)

LRC Helpdesk

International Office

International Office
Admissions Admissions
Campus Services Facilities Services
Careers Careers
Counselling Counselling
Development & Alumni Office Alumni
Disability Advice Disability Advice
Educational Resource Centre Jim Bain
Estates Assist
Finance Karen Inglis
Graduate School Graduate School
Human Resources HR Staff
Marketing & Communications Office Marketing
Quality Enhancement & Research Degrees Dawn Martin
Registry Registry
Research and Knowledge Exchange Unit Vivien Rutherford
School Office School Office
Security Security
Sports Sports Reception
Student Funding Student Funding
Student Services Student Services
Student Union Student Union
Wellbeing Wellbeing
Schools Email
School of Arts, Social Sciences and Management 
School of Health Sciences


 If you cannot find the appropriate contact for your enquiry above, please email Marketing and Communications

Queen Margaret University

General Enquiries

Show Contacts

Queen Margaret University

Queen Margaret University Main Telephone Number 0131 474 0000

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