
We place great emphasis on commercialisation as part of the spectrum of research and knowledge exchange. The establishment of strategic research centres provides a sound basis for developing a strategic approach to the commercial exploitation of our research and knowledge exchange portfolio. Across QMU there is a range of intellectual property and plenty of know-how created via research and other academic activity. Much of this intellectual property may have commercial potential as new products or services and we welcome enquiries from stakeholders interested in working in partnership to explore commercial opportunities.

QMU actively promotes the utilisation of our intellectual property to achieve wider social and economic benefits and maximise the impact of its research. We encourage and support researchers to identify commercial opportunities arising from their research and then work with them to evaluate and develop these opportunities to commercially viable outcomes.



UK Industrial Strategy

QMU is internationally recognised for excellence in research and teaching in many of the priority and grand challenge areas.  Through the work of our Research Centres we have a range of international research expertise, and we have a growing portfolio of industry partners, from SMEs to multinational companies both within the region, the UK and internationally.  We have a track record as a selected strategic partner not just on the basis of our capability but also on our approach to managing these collaborations. 

In 2018, in response to the opportunities presented by the UK Industrial Strategy, we launched the first QMU Innovation Fellowship programme, supported by the Scottish Funding Council's (SFC) University Innovation Fund.

Connecting and Engaging with QMU

To discuss how we might collaborate, in the first instance, please contact the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Unit,


Learn more about how QMU's diverse strengths and its collective ability can address the place-based or thematic challenges that are the foundation of the strategy.

Commercial Opportunities

QMU is capitalising on its key areas of research strength with the development of new technologies, enabling companies and investors find the best new technologies to help grow their own businesses.

QMU Spin Out and Community Interest Companies
Articulate Instruments

Health Design Collective

QMU Innovation Park

QMU’s proposals for the QMU Innovation Park (QMUIP) will support economic development both locally and nationally. It will provide a creative space where productive relationships between businesses, the university sector and the wider community can flourish and where entrepreneurial thinking and action can be nurtured on a local and national basis.

More information 

Business Support & Enquiries

Show Contacts

Business Support & Enquiries

Miriam Smith Innovation and Enterprise Manager 0131 474 0000
07872 128 688